Emma, who represented Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014, has reflected on her Eurovision experience in anticipation of the release of her new album, ‘Best of Me’.

In an interview with Il Corriere della Sera, Emma discusses double standards and the ‘sexism’ she experienced at Eurovision, with the media and the wider public focusing on her outfit rather than her song (in Italian):

“Invece che essere sostenuta perché avevo portato un pezzo rock come “La mia città”, un atteggiamento non da classica cantante pop italiana che punta sulla voce o sulla femminilità, venni massacrata: si parlò solo degli shorts d’oro che spuntavano sotto l’abito e delle mie movenze. Ora che Damiano dei Måneskin si presenta a torso nudo e con i tacchi a spillo va bene: è evidente che c’è sessismo. […] Non feci interviste con Paesi omofobi e razzisti e non arrivarono voti da loro.”

Translated, Emma states that instead of being supported because she brought a rock song like La Mia Città and attitude different from the classic Italian pop singer who focuses on vocals or femininity, she was ‘slaughtered’: only the golden shorts which appeared under her dress and her movements were talked about. However, now that Damiano from Måneskin shows up shirtless and in high heels, it’s okay: “it’s clear that this is sexism”. She added that she didn’t do interviews with homophobic and racist countries and subsequently received no votes from them.

Emma also recently announced the track list for her upcoming album. Notably, it will include a new, 2021 version of her Eurovision song La Mia Città. The album is a compilation of 21 tracks which retrace Emma’s successful career since her breakthrough in 2010.

In her own words:

“Best of Me is a point of arrival, but it is also a new point of departure. It is a summary of what I have achieved in these past 10 years and a reflection on what still needs to be done.”

Best of Me will also contain Emma’s new single, Che Sogno Incredibile, featuring Italian music legend Loredana Bertè, and a new version of her Sanremo 2012 winning song Non è l’inferno.

The full track list of the album is as follows:

  1. Che sogno incredibile (with Loredana Bertè)
  2. Meravigliosa (new version 2021)
  3. Con le nuvole (new version 2021)
  4. Calore (new version 2021)
  5. Sarò libera (new version 2021)
  6. Non è l’inferno (new version 2021)
  7. Dimentico tutto (new version 2021)
  8. Resta ancora un po’ (new version 2021)
  9. L’amore non mi basta (new version 2021)
  10. Cercavo amore (new version 2021)
  11. Trattengo il fiato (new version 2021)
  12. In ogni angolo di me (new version 2021)
  13. La mia città (new version 2021)
  14. Amami (new version 2021)
  15. Occhi profondi (new version 2021)
  16. Mi parli piano (new version 2021)
  17. Pezzo di cuore (with Alessandra Amoroso)
  18. Fortuna
  19. Stupida allegria
  20. Latina
  21. Luci blu

The album will be out on the 25th of June. In the meantime, you can listen to Emma’s new single Che Sogno Incredibile featuring Loredana Bertè on Spotify here and on Apple music here.

Emma represented Italy at Eurovision 2014, placing 21st in the final with 33 points.

What do #YOU think about Emma’s comments? Are #YOU excited for Emma’s new album? Share your thoughts with us in the comments, on our forum HERE or on social media!

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