Drama! Azerbaijani brodcaster criticising Armenia’s act!

Armenia announced a couple of days ago that the newly formed project Genealogy woul fly the Armenian flag in Vienna this year. The title of their song is “Don’t Deny”, neither the actual song nor the lyrics have been made available as of today.

ITV, the Azerbaijani Broadcaster has already criticized the choice. To give you a little bit more context, the entry was chosen to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The band members come from five different continents. This is a reference to the forget-me-not flower which is the symbol of Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

ITV’s statement:

“This contest can’t be a victim of any country’s political ambitions and converted into a political arena. The Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company state that if the news is confirmed, we will also take appropriate steps in the contest.”


The opinions on our website differs as well, some members do not want any political message at the Contest.



Not everyone is in agreement though. There are plenty of people who believe the song is in historical context.




We will keep updated to see if the Armenian broadcaster will respond to the accusations. In the meantime, make your voice heard by joining our Forum and discuss Eurovision with thousands of fans from around the world.


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