The Scandinavian countries are all slowly but very steadily getting everything set for their national finals. In September, we could announce that Sweden had picked their host pair for Melodifestivalen. Then in October, Norway could reveal that their had found their pair as well and now here in November, Denmark has completed the trio, by announcing their hosting pair for Dansk Melodi Grans Prix 2023.

DMGP 2023 Hosts

As a quick reminder, let’s see what we know about the upcoming Danish national final. The final will consist of 8 songs, as it did both in 2021 and 2022. The contest will be hosted for the first time ever, outside the capital area but still on the island of Zealand (Sjælland – In Danish), in the city of Næstved. The national final will be held on the 11th of February 2023, the same date as the final in Estonia, Italy, Malta & Romania.

As you can see, 11th of February will be a busy day for fans of the national finals around Europe, so if you should decide to watch the Danish show on that day, then here’s a short intro to our hosts for the night.

Tina Müller:

  • If you’ve watched the past two years of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, then you should be familiar already with Tina Müller, since she was the female host in the past two years. She clearly has the expertise to guide viewers for a third year in a row, despite being known in Denmark as a hosts for various sports shows, covering the sports of both international handball and football. To connect her further more with the Eurovision Song Contest, she was also the spokesperson for the Danish jury as well in both 2021 and 2022.

Heino Hansen:

  • Best known as a comedian in Denmark, he will have his first ever experience with DMGP in 2023. He originates from Næstved, which is his home town. This doesn’t mean the man is without any television experience. He has had various different shows both on radio and television as well as hosted multiple comedy shows around the country. Whether he’ll play a serious role or just comedic relief shall be seen in 2023.

Heino has stated: “I’m really looking forward to host DMGP, even on my own homefield, it can’t get any better“. Head of Show, Erik Struve Hansen, also had the following to share about the hosts: “DMGP is a proud tradition that connects family and generations. The broad appeal the show has, is what we wish to show in out hosts and that’s why I’m happy that Tina and Heino have accepted their role. I’m sure, that with their different backgrounds, they will make each other shine and at the same time be a great company to the viewers, which is on of the most important roles for a host duo“.

Tickets will go on sale on the 18th of November and can be bought right here.

What do #YOU think about this hosting pair and will this make #YOU watch Denmark’s national final in 2023?
Let’s hear from #YOU on our forum site right HERE, or visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok and Discord.

Source(s): (In Danish)

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