David Bustamante, one of the nowaday’s most popular Spanish voices has achieved a new award in his career. Just a week after being on sale his new project Vivir, he reached the first position being another record in his career. His new album is available on iTunes. Let’s take a look at the track list of Bustamante’s newest album:

1 Feliz

2 Me arrepiento

3 Miento

4 Ya no puedo esperar

5 Vuelvo a equivocarme

6 Vivir

7 Castígame

8 A partir de hoy

9 Necesito

10 Los amigos

11 Se acabó el amor

Let’s take a look at Bustamante’s career to know more about him:

His very first CD was Bustamante, in 2002. A year later, he launched Así soy yo. After three years without new projects, 2005 came with Caricias al alma.Pentimento appeared in 2006. Al filo de lo irreal was launched a year later. A contracorriente was his newest CD on 2010. Mío in 2011 and más mío in 2012 were his latest albums before his two years without new projects in his career.

David Bustamante was one of the talented contestants who joined Operación Triunfo in 2001. The Spanish talent show was the fame and glory’s door that was opened to David Bustamante. Besides him, David Bisbal and Rosa were the finalists, the voices that would be the options to represent Spain in Tallinn 2002. Despite ranking third in that national final, Bustamante was chosen by Operación Triunfo’s winner Rosa to join the trip to Estonia as a backing singer.


Source Larazon.es

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