It has been announced today that Benny Cristo, the artist who was due to represent the Czech Republic in Rotterdam this week, will be returning to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2021!

In a post on Facebook, Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic revealed that Benny will be returning with a new song for next year’s contest, scheduled to be held in Rotterdam. According to the rules of the contest, he cannot compete with this year’s intended entry, “Kemama”.

In the statement, Benny said, “I am very happy that Czech Television gave me a chance to show what I have, even next year. I can promise all fans and viewers that I will use the time I have due to the world events. You have something to look forward to.”

🔥🔥🔥 Benny Cristo zazpívá v sobotu Evropě: příští rok půjde do Eurovize s novou písní 🔥🔥🔥„Benny zcela přesvědčivě…

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Wednesday, May 13, 2020


In an exciting development, Lucie Kapounová, the manager of Czech Television, said that the broadcaster and Benny “would like to let fans and viewers (have input into) what song he would represent the Czech Republic with in the coming year”. “Kemama” was notably revamped multiple times in the lead-up to the contest, with Benny himself replying to, and taking into account, YouTube comments with suggestions on how to improve the song in the eyes of the fans.

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