Home Countries Norway (page 34)


Norway is sending Margaret Berger to Malmo

Norway has spoken and with a landslide victory, Margaret Berger won Melodi Gran Prix and will represent Norway this May in the Eurovision Song contest in Malmo. Going into the Final as a favorite, she was able to convince the juries and televoters taking home the ESC crown. The scores of the Top 4: 102,032 Margaret Berger 059,414 Adelén 041,447 Sirkus Eliassen …

3 more songs qualify in Norway

  The third and Final Semi Final took place and three more songs qualified for the big Final show. They will join the 6 songs qualified from the previous Semi Finals, in addition one wild card will be added bringing the number of  Finalists to 10. Here are tonight’s Qualifiers   Gaute Ormåsen – Awake [vsw id=”kMsX6kwNuqg” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] …

Norway: Semi Final 2 – Meet the three Qualifiers

The second Semi Final is over and Norway has voted 3 more songs into the Final show. Let’s find out who they are:     Annsofi – I’m with you [vsw id=”LYXSXx6GNWk” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]   Fjellfolk – Ulvetuva [vsw id=”5e0MqdRROCA” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]   Margaret Berger – I feed you my love [vsw id=”bgGiBRj0yns” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]    

Norway: Semi Final 1 – Three songs moving on.

  The first Norwegean Semi Final took place tonight. Seven songs battled for one of the three Final spots. The three finalists are:   1st Place: Gromth feat. Emil Solli-Tangen- “Alone” 2nd Place: Datarock- “The Underground” 3rd Place: Vidar Busk- “Paid My Way”   The question is, did Norway make the right decision? Are these the songs most deserving of …

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