Home Countries Australia (page 18)


Conchita Wurst to unveil Australia’s artist

The Australian Broadcaster SBS announced that the acts representing Australia in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest will be revealed on Thursday, March 3rd. But the person revealing the act is not from Australia but hails from Austria (maybe they got confused?!?). The winner of the 2014 contest Conchita Wurst will deliver the announcement on who is going to fly the …

Come Together: Country Flags available for download

The Swedish broadcaster SVT recently presented the theme art for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest yesterday. We at ESC United  understand how exciting it is to support your country (or your favorite song) so just as we did last year, we created Logo Flags for most European countries including all possible participants. And if you’re like me and live outside …

Know-It-Alls: Eneda Tarifa for Albania, the British NF and Maltese Songs

We are back with another edition of the ESC Know-It-Alls episode discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. Today’s panel includes Matt (ESC United Editor-in-Chief), Jake (ESC United Editor) and Sadie (ESC United Editor). This is our first meeting of the year and we are also now on YouTube. So feel free to join us …

43 countries in Stockholm and should we be worried about Terrorism in Eurovision? – Know-It-All Podcast

Our are back with another edition of the ESC Podcast discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. Today’s panel includes Matt (ESC United Editor-in-Chief), Stefan (ESC United Editor) and Zack (ESC United Contributor). Today’s topics: – Australia at Eurovision, Good or Bad Idea? – 43 countries in Stockholm – Kaliopi back to Eurovision for FYR …

43 Countries in Stockholm!

Today the EBU announced the final list of participants. The number of countries has increased from last year’s contest, we will see 43 countries participate in the 61st Eurovision Song Contest! The 43 countries hoping to take home the Eurovision 2016 trophy are: Albania Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia …

POLL: Who Should Win JESC 2015?

Tomorrow night the participants from 17 countries will take to the stage in Bulgaria and will be broadcast live to the world, all hoping to take home the trophy of this year’s Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Who do you think should win tomorrow night? Here is the recap from the dress rehearsal to help you make up your mind: [socialpoll …

JESC: Day 4 of Rehearsals

The fourth day of rehearsals have concluded and all acts have now had two rehearsals. There are no more split rehearsals for this years contest. Tomorrow the kids will take to the stage for the first dress rehearsal at 13:00CET followed at 19:30CET for the jury final, where the jury members from 17 participating countries will make their decisions and …

Fans have mixed feelings about Australia at Eurovision

  As we previously reported, Australia is going to take part again after the EBU officially announced that the Land Down Under would once again take part in the contest, this time as a Semi Finalist. The Internet went Berzerk and it was a rather polarizing decision. While the EBU Executive Supervisor Jon Ola Sand claimed that Australia’s participation was …

JESC: Day 2 of Rehearsals

The second day of rehearsals for this year’s Junior Eurovision Song Contest is now complete. Kids from 8 countries took to the stage to rehearse their entries for JESC this year. I am going to comment on the rehearsals after my first watch (views expressed in this article are my own, and not essentially those of ESCUnited.com). Let’s take a look at the …

Confirmed: Australia is going to return to Eurovision in 2016

  The rumor mill didn’t stop and now we have an official response Australia is going to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) confirmed that Australia will be allowed to take part once again. Initially, the EBU announced that the Australian participation would be a One-Off event to celebrate the 60th birthday of …

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