This year’s Big Tournament edition where all entries from 1956 – 2014 will compete for your vote, hoping to move on from The Preliminary Round, to the Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and the Big Final Round is currently taking place
This popular Tournament is a good way to enjoy Eurovision Songs from 1956 to today while socialising with your peers and debate which songs are the best (or worst). This is the 4th edition and every year we had a different winner from a different decade.

How this is going to work:
Every round a group of 25 – 27 songs will compete and you can vote on them using the ESC Point system (12,10, 8 -1 points). At the end of each voting round the Top 10 from each Group will move on to the Quarter Finals. It’s that simple.
PM your votes to THE BIG TOURNAMENT profile or cast your votes using the SCOREWIZ link.
All songs were randomly selected so it’s not uncommon to see songs from the same year, several songs from the same country or even several winners in the same group. Some groups may be considered stronger than others but it’s all the luck of the draw. Remember to cast your votes quickly as the voting windows are short. For your convenience, YT clips will be added in case you are not familiar with all songs.
We wrapped up the first two rounds and here is a list of all songs that are still in the running (the ones in yellow are in while the white ones have been eliminated)

8 Simple Rules:
IMPORTANT: You must be a registered member if you want your votes to be counted. All other votes will be disregarded. You can click HERE to register.
Please listen to all songs before sending us your votes. For your convenience, we added YouTube links so all you have to do is click on it and enjoy the music.
Only one vote per user. If we discover that you have two separate accounts for the sake of doubling your votes you will be disqualified.
We check every vote and any invalid or incomplete votes will result in disqualification
The Mod team is doing their best to make this tournament a fun experience for everyone. However criticizing the team in the thread is not allowed.
You don’t have to vote every round and we understand that real life takes priority. Please do not complain if your votes were not counted because you voted past the deadline.
It is okay to share some of your votes (e.g. your 12 points or your random top 5) but it is NOT okay to post your full votes.
The purpose of this tournament is to appreciate and celebrate all songs starting with 1956 all the way to 2014. If you’re a person who only enjoys music from a particular decade only, this may not be the right game for you. It affects the outcome for those who want to give all songs a fair chance.
You must be an ESCUNITED member to participate.

So for the next month you should consider THIS THREAD as your home where you’ll get to share your thoughts on which songs are worthy of qualification and which deserves to be left behind. Trust us, it’s A LOT OF FUN.