Immediately before the jury results were revealed in this weekend’s Grand Final of the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest, the EBU released a statement noting some “irregular voting patterns” from a number of national juries in both the Second Semi-Final and the Grand Final.

In their statement, they announced, “In the analysis of jury voting by the European Broadcasting Union’s (EBU) pan-European voting partner after the Second Dress Rehearsal of the Second Semi-Final of the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest, certain irregular voting patterns were identified in the results of six countries.”

The EBU continued, “In order to comply with the Contest’s Voting Instructions, the EBU worked with its voting partner to calculate a substitute aggregated result for each country concerned for both the Second-Semi Final and the Grand Final (calculated based on the results of other countries with similar voting records). This process was acknowledged by the Independent Voting Monitor.”

Azerbaijan, Georgia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and San Marino did not have their jury rankings revealed in the split results, which were posted to directly after the airing of the Grand Final. In accordance with the Official Voting Instructions of the Eurovision Song Contest, the EBU maintains the right to remove any votes that are suspected to be part of an attempt to manipulate the result.

After Ukraine’s Kalush Orchestra achieved their monumental victory with ‘Stefania’ on Saturday night, the EBU released a second statement, indicating that although there are “obviously… unique challenges involved in hosting next year’s competition,” they are working with Ukrainian national broadcaster UA:PBC and all other relevant stakeholders “to ensure we have the most suitable setup for the 67th Eurovision Song Contest.”

What do #YOU think of Kalush Orchestra’s winning song? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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