Sometimes, when a broadcaster has a glimpse of victory, then it might just be worth trying something similar again, and that’s exactly what North’s Macedonia national broadcaster (MRT) will go for once again. The broadcaster were one of the first to announce their artist, but now becomes one of the last ones to announce their song.
Around somewhere in January, it was announced that Vasil, one of Tamara Todevska‘s backings in Tel-Aviv, would represent North Macedonia. Then, around mid-February, it was announced that Vasil would sing the song with the title “You”. Now we’re in March, right before the deadline, and you can now listen to the song.
The song can best be described as a interesting mix of styles, including some house, dance and even some tango into the mix. This might be just perfect for North Macedonia, seeing how it easily is different from the rest of the songs competing this year.
North Macedonia is set to be represented by Vasil in the first half of the first semi-final.
Now that we finally know the song, then what do #YOU think about it, and can North Macedonia do even better than last year? As always, let us know what #YOU think on our forum HERE or on our social media sites.
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