Every week all songs selected either via NF or internal selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 are up for a vote and our members give points to their favorite songs. At the end of the week the host will tally up the points and post the results. This is Week 15.


Here are the results:




And after two weeks at the top, San Marino has to move down a spot cause Norway made up some major ground as is the new favorite. It seems that this year we don’t have a clear favorite. Also good news for France, after their well perceived performance in Amsterdam, they moved up to 8th place becoming the biggest climber of the week. However the host nation Sweden continues to drop becoming the biggest loser of the week.


The scores are now being reset and you can once again vote for your favorite songs Eurovision style and this time all songs are in the running as Italy has joined the party.

If you are interested taking part in this game, please make sure to check our rules and find out how to become eligible by clicking HERE

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  1. rajo

    April 28, 2013 at 13:13

    Are you insane? Austria dropping 5 places?! 😮

  2. Roy van der Merwe

    April 27, 2013 at 22:44

    Poor Latvia is back to the bottom, ZERO points. At least Belgium is climbing

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