Today, the fourth semifinal of Lithuania’s Eurovision selection, Eurovizija.LT was broadcast, previously recorded from the LRT studios in Vilnius. The program was hosted by Gabrielė Martirosian, Nombeko Augustė, and Rimvydas Černiauskas. This semifinal featured nine acts competing for only two spots for the final on 15 February. All acts were judged by a 50/50 jury and televote to determine the final placement.
The nine acts who took to the stage were as follows (click on the song title to watch the semifinal performance):
Siga – “Walking With My Shadow”
Ustin – “You’re the One”
Godo Yorke – “<3 neparodai”
Joseph June – “Ko man nesakei?”
Amoralu – “Freedom”
Katarsis – “Tako akys”
Liepa – “Ar mylėtum”
Mario Junes – “Bury Me”
The Ditties – “Zui zu bi“
The jury for tonight’s show was comprised of Vytautas Bikus, former Eurovision participant in 2022 Monika Liu, Kamilė Gudmonaitė, Darius Užkuraitis, and Ramūnas Zilnys. During the interval, we had one of the hosts, Nombeko Augustė, bust out a performance of the song “Vaikštai per mane”.
At the end of the night, the results showed Katarsis in 1st with the jury, with Amoralu placing second and The Ditties in third. The remaining acts finished in the following order from 4th to 9th: Liepa, Mario Junes, Ustin, Godo Yorke, Joseph June, and Siga.
Katarsis also won the televote, earning top marks from the public with 2,507 votes. Liepa finished in 2nd place with 2,218 votes and The Ditties in 3rd place with 1,254 votes. The remaining acts finished in the following order from 4th to 9th: Amoralu (820 votes), Joseph June (711 votes), Ustin (672 votes), Mario Junes (573 votes), Siga (344 votes), and Godo Yorke (252 votes).
With the combined jury and televote scores, the results of tonight’s show were close. The jury preferences came into play to determine the finalists with Katarsis with 24 points and Amoralu with 17 points being the two qualifiers! They will proceed to the final in two weeks. The remaining acts finished in the following order from 3rd to 9th: Liepa (17 points), The Ditties (16 points), Mario Junes (10 points), Ustin (10 points), Joseph June (9 points), Godo Yorke (6 points), and Siga (5 points).
Next week, the final nine semifinalists will perform for the last two spots in the final. The fifth semifinal will air on 8 February at 20:00 CET.
What do #YOU think about tonight’s results? Do #YOU agree with the qualifiers? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!