Tonight we have concluded Pesma za Evroviziju 24. After two semi-final shows, we finally know the Serbian representative for Eurovision 2024 in Malmö, Sweden.

Željko Joksimović opened the show by performing his debut entry “Lane Moje” (2004). It’s been 20 years since Serbia (then Serbia & Montenegro) joined the contest.

Fifty years ago (1974) ABBA won Eurovision and we saw the 1974 retrospective with all the controversies and trivia. The biggest focus was, of course, on “Waterloo“, representing the bridge to the retrospective of all Swedish winners and notable acts since their debut in 1958. The opening show finished with our 4 hosts who were dressed up as ABBA and performed “Waterloo” on stage.

Sixteen acts qualifier for the final from the two semi-finals. The official running order was:

  1. Iva Lorens – Dom
  2. Džordži – Luna park
  3. Breskvica – Gnezdo orlovo
  4. Teya Dora – Ramonda
  5. Hristina – Bedem
  6. Marko Mandić – Dno
  7. M.IRA – Percepcija
  8. Nemanja Radošević – Jutra bez tebe
  9. Milan Bujaković – Moje-tvoje
  10. Keni Nije Mrtav – Dijamanti
  11. Zorja – Lik u ogledalu
  12. Zejna – Najbolja
  13. Konstrakta – Novo bolje
  14. Bojana x David – No no no
  15. Lena Kovačević – Zovi me Lena
  16. Dušan Kurtić – Zbog tebe živim

Interval act

After two recaps, the time for voting has passed. Željko Joksimović got on stage again performing his entry “Nije Moja Ljubav Stvar” which placed 3rd in 2012, accompanied by the choir and orchestra.

In 2006, Hari Mata Hara represented Bosnia & Herzegovina with the song “Lejla“. In 2015, Knez represented Montenegro with the song “Adio“. What these entries have in common is that they were all composed by Željko Joksimović who performed the medley of these songs on stage as an interval act.

The Voting Results

Just like last year, artists received equal amounts of points both from national expert juries and televote. Juries award one set of 12-10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 which was an aggregate of their individual rankings. The same applied to the televote points.

Teya Dora was in the lead after the jury results. In close second was Zorja, and Konstrakta was in third place. Televote rewarded Teya Dora with the second-highest score securing her the win, while the televote winner Breskvica finished second (tied with Zorja) as she received only 5 points from the juries.

That being said, Teya Dora won Pesma za Evroviziju 24 and will be the Serbian representative for Eurovision 2024 in Sweden with the song “Ramonda”.

What do #YOU think about the MGP final and the ultimate winner? Let’s hear from #YOU on our forum site right HERE, or visit us on FacebookX(Twitter)InstagramYoutubeTikTok and Discord.

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